Ever since a gentleman at a conference-sponsored mentor dinner asked me in November, “What risks have you taken lately?” I’ve been trying to reflect on how much risk I really take in my life and in my assistantship. Not the Johnny Knoxville wax-your-eyebrow-hair-completely-off type risks, but the kind that delivers new experience and new insight. I think because I’ve been so focused on learning this job, adapting to a new campus, forming good relationships with my RAs, I haven’t really taken a lot of risks. In other words, I haven’t taken risks to avoid the risk of failing or looking like an idiot. If this past week is any indication, hopefully that will all change this semester.
This week began with winter training for housing staff. The schedule for the first day included recreation time for everyone. A bunch of people, including many of my friends, organized a large dodge ball game. At first, I sat on the bench and cheered on my friends. They encouraged me to play but honestly, I’ve never really liked dodge ball. As a general rule, I don’t like people throwing things at me. I also don’t like looking like an idiot when I get hit by a speeding foam ball in front of twenty of my peers. So for a while I watched my friends play dodge ball, grateful that I never had to be the last man standing with ten balls hurtling at my midsection.
After a couple games, a RA from my building sat next to me and said if I played the next game she would, too. I decided to give it a shot. So I headed onto the dodge ball court with fear in my heart to the cheering of all my friends. I’m not going to lie. I sucked. I was out after about one minute in the first game. After about four games I was having fun. I was dodging balls and even caught a few to get teammates back in the game. And you know what? I had fun. I think I learned more from that dodge ball game than from any of the other training sessions. Hopefully in the future I won’t take myself out of the game before I’ve even given myself a chance.
That dodge ball game gave me the confidence to take other risks. I’ve tried very hard this week to speak my mind and voice my opinions which are often drowned out by the strong personalities I work with. I’ve also let my guard down a little more with my RAs and been friendlier and goofier. This week, I really felt like I was myself. I don’t know why it’s taken my so long to get there.
Also, I’ve decided to be a little more risky in my choices for internships this summer. Although I’ve had an internship away from home before, I haven’t ventured too far out of my comfort zone. This year, I’m pulling out all the stops. No location will be left unconsidered: Alaska, Qatar, Canada, even Alabama. I’m really up for anything. I just want to find an internship that sounds exciting and challenging. Hopefully, taking a few risks when it comes to internships will give me the best experience possible. Plus, it just makes me feel stronger to do things I think I can’t.
I’m encouraging everyone to take a few risks this semester. Dance while other people are watching. Join an organization you would not normally be interested in. Speak up in class if you’re usually quiet. Ask out that hot guy from campus activities. Yes, it involves some chance. You might find out you really do hate dodge ball. But you never know, it just might change your life.
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